For those wanting to choose an alternative but equally effective massage, reflexology is the one for you. The massage techniques used focus on key pressure points on the feet that relate to different functions of the body.
Massage Mykonos come to you wherever you are on the island.
When you choose to have a reflexology massage our professional therapist will trigger specific reflex areas on the soles of the feet, in order to bring health and balance to the body.
A unique massage also known as zone therapy, which will relieve stress, harmonize the body and increase immunity.
Book your reflexology massage in Mykonos now
Duration 50min
Please note there is a minimum order of 45€ on all the spa services. This means your total of the spa service or services you choose must total to a minimum of 45€ and over. A transport fee may apply to some areas.
Our dedicated staff is ready to serve your beauty needs. We're happy to help you.